Costa Coffee Latte 250ml
Costa Coffee Latte 250ml
Our smooth and creamy Latte has been expertly crafted by our Master of Coffee. Made with less sugar++ to release the full flavour of our Signature Mocha Italia beans, it's your deliciously creamy Costa Coffee on the go.
At Costa Coffee, we know great coffee. The proof? We´ve been serving our legendary Signature blend in London since 1971. It took 112 different blends to get it just right, but boy it was worth it: the perfect balance of delicate Arabica and strong Robusta beans, slow-roasted for a smooth and nutty flavour and rich aroma. All you have to do is open this tasty little can.
Coffee (Water, Coffee Extract**) (49%), Whole Milk (48%), Sugar, Acidity Regulators (Potassium Carbonates, Potassium Citrate), Stabilisers (Cellulose, Cellulose Gum, Carrageenan), Natural Flavourings, **Rainforest Alliance Certified™